Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
Is your heart broken after the loss of your child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss?
Do you feel overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts while you watch your partner and family move on?
Do you question your feelings or find it hard to obtain validation from those around you?
You started to build a connection with your child from the moment you began to accept your pregnancy and believed you would someday hold a baby in your arms. You may have lost this little person during pregnancy or early infancy, but you still lost your child. The dreams and hopes you had for your family have been shattered and it can be devastating.
It is possible that your friends and family do not understand your grief. You might feel very isolated. Your body may be experiencing all kinds of changes that painfully remind you of the magnitude of your loss. The experience itself may have been both physically and emotionally traumatic.
Should I seek therapy after a pregnancy or infant loss?
It’s heartbreaking to lose a child at any point. You may feel completely alone in your pain, but you are not alone. One in four women will experience pregnancy loss and one in 100 pregnancies end in stillbirth. Additionally, advances in prenatal testing are increasing the rates of termination for medical reasons (TFMR).
You might feel numb or shocked after the loss. You might be asking, “Why me?” You might be struggling with feelings of guilt, anger, isolation, sadness, and hopelessness. These emotions are all normal reactions to pregnancy and infant loss.
Miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss cause psychological distress. Quite often parents wonder what they did wrong or blame themselves which can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression. In some cases, the traumatic event can lead to symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
If you are experiencing fears, sadness, or trauma reactions that are affecting your daily functioning and your relationships or you are feeling stuck, reach out for professional support to process your grief.
Suggestions for coping with pregnancy and infant loss
Reach out to loved ones and friends for support and ask for help when needed.
Talk to your partner about your loss. Remember that people grieve in different ways and the journey through loss is complex.
Take care of your physical well-being. Eating healthy foods, keeping active, and getting enough sleep will help.
Find a support group to help you feel less isolated.
Create rituals that promote self-compassion.
Do something special to remember your baby.
Seek help from a therapist specialized in pregnancy and infant loss.
Allow yourself time to grieve. There is no timeline.
Surviving the pain of pregnancy and infant loss is possible
There is room for remembrance, hope, and healing. I have lived experience on this journey and I am here to support you regardless of whether you have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, termination for medical reasons (TFMR) or are pregnant following a loss.
— Marggie Marks
Looking for support?
We are here to help.
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